​​​Phone: 1.207.751.3513

Email:  fra.branch.182@gmail.com



In Remembrance

Master Chief Petty Officer
 Richard L. Harris USN (Ret)
October 20, 1927 - June 4, 2022

Shipmate Harris was a FRA Member of 18 years.  He served in the United States Navy, retiring as a master chief.  Duty stations include USS Butternut (AN-9), NAVCOMMSTA Adak; AK, USS General H. W. Butner (T-AP-113); Naval Mission, Quito, Ecuador; and NAVCOMMSTA Newport, RI.  He then became a civilian employee of the Navy at the Pentagon.

For his full obituary please see the link below:

Navy Memorial’s Navy Log:

The Two Bell Ceremony. When executed properly, the Fleet Reserve Association’s “Two-Bell Ceremony” is dramatic testimony to humility, dignity, reverence and honor. It fulfills the promise of our preamble – “our reverence for the memory of our departed shipmates.”

Unfortunately, there is no written documentation or knowledge that clearly identifies the origin of this beloved ritual except that it is unique and ours alone. In researching naval history back to the time of Britain’s Lord Nelson we can find no record of a memorial ceremony using the ship’s bell. Our current elder statesmen credit several deceased shipmates as being largely responsible for the originating and refinement of the ritual. But it is clear the sounding of two bells is the “time,” or the “moment,” to pause and reflect on our shipmates who are now serving on the staff of the Supreme Commander.

In days past, “two bells” marked the end of the routine day aboard ship. It was time for “Tattoo” and soon “Taps” would sound throughout the ship. Certainly, this is a most appropriate time to honor our departed shipmates.

Those familiar with one of the greatest stories of the sea, “The Ancient Mariner,” will remember that he/she found safe passage in narrow waters by listening to the bell on the marking buoy. That bobbing marking buoy sounds much like the tolling of a bell for a funeral dirge, solemn, reverent and mournful.

Since the beginning of recorded time, men of the sea have been guided and impressed by the sounding of the ship’s bell. In our “Two Bell Ceremony,” the tolling of the bell and the spoken word can and should be combined to execute a ritual that contributes to and strengthens the bond that exists amongst all shipmates of the Fleet Reserve Association.

Two Bell Ceremony in remembrance of those
Shipmates that have received orders to serve

on the Staff of the Supreme Commander.

Shipmate Norman L. Clark
Shipmate Clem M. Beck

 Shipmate Richard L. Harris

Shipmate Frank E. Jacob

Shipmate James O. Hitchcock

Shipmate Gerald H. Mouer



​​Please remember our troops who continue to serve at home and around the world.  

Chief Petty Officer
Norman L Clark USN (Ret)
October 8, 1928 - April 25, 2022

Shipmate Clark was a FRA Member of 48 years. Norman devoted his life to serving our nation through his dedication to the Navy for over 23 years. He was a lifelong member of the Mason-Montgomery Cornerstone Lodge #195, and The Tall Cedars and spent countless hours volunteering for The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) and other outreach programs.

For his full obituary please see the link below:

To report a passing of a Shipmate please Contact Us .

"Staff of The Supreme Commander"

Senior Chief Petty Officer
 Gerald H. Mouer USN (Ret)
November 24, 1938 - December 28, 2022

Shipmate Mouer was a FRA Member of 42 years.  He was a Navy Hospital Corpsman.  

Chief Warrant Officer
 James O. Hitchcock USN (Ret)
July 31, 1940 - November 6, 2022

Shipmate Hitchcock was a FRA Member of 12 years.  He was a proud Navy veteran. He served his country for 22 years and lived in many places around the country and the world. Duty stations include National Security Agency; Naval Security Group HQ, Washington, DC; NAVCOMMTRACEN, Pensacola, FL; NSGA Hakata, Japan; and NSGA Edzell, Scotland.

For his full obituary please see the link below:

Navy Memorial’s Navy Log:

First Class Petty Officer
Clem M Beck USN (Ret)
March 14, 1942 - May 5, 2022

Shipmate Beck was a FRA Member of 48 years. Clem served in the US Navy during the Vietnam War, having been stationed on the USS Forrestal Air Craft Carrier during the highly publicized 1967 fire.  He was a member of the Fleet Reserve Association Branch #182 and was a life member of VFW 3554 in West Virginia, American Legion Post #69 in Florida as well as the AMVETS Post #2 in Frederick. 

For his full obituary please see the link below:

Lieutenant Commander
Frank E Jacob USN (Ret)
November 18, 1941 - October 3, 2022

Shipmate Jacob was a FRA Member of 43 years. In 1963 he joined the U.S. Navy Reserve and soon went full time, attending OCS in Newport, R.I. Frank was commissioned as an Ensign in June 1965. After attending language school and becoming fluent in Mandarin Chinese he traveled to various duty stations that included the USS Oriskany, Vietnam, and Germany. While stationed in Honolulu, Hawaii, and earned a master’s degree in computer science from USC. After serving for 20 years, Frank retired from the Navy and worked at Lockheed Martin for many years in Maryland.

For his full obituary please see the link below: